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First Published (print): Mar 01, 2022
Submitted : Nov 16, 2023
News games, though a relatively new and emerging journalistic genre, have shown capacity to add values and dexterity into how stories are told in the newsrooms. Despite the vast and diverse nature of the Nigerian media landscape, this innovation is yet to be adopted in Nigerian newsrooms. This research focuses on addressing barriers to creating news games contents in Nigerian media organisations and explores potentials the adoption of news games can bring to practice of journalism in Nigeria. Furthermore, this research captures how news games contents can be made accessible to both the producers (media organisations) and consumers (audience) alike. This research met these research aims via extensive study of related literature and practical survey methods. The latter was carried out through in-depth interviews of 25 selected online or digital journalists in Nigerian major traditional and online newspaper organisations. This research work produced a number of findings: recent survey has shown that capital intensity of producing news games contents and non-adoption of technological innovations are major barriers to producing news games in Nigerian news rooms; there are concerns that the media organisations in Nigeria do not have ability to deploy the innovation and the time-consuming nature of creating news games discourages the organisations; news games production have potentials such as driving user engagement if made inviting and can be used as leeways to expand stories and events of importance to the society; and lastly news games can be employed to help form a habit of news consumption among young audience as well as improve revenue generations of the media organisations. The major conclusion drawn from this research is that news games can give the Nigerian media landscape a new approach to telling stories which can be compelling for both existing audiences and the prospective ones. This research therefore argues for further research on creating a news games prototype and crowdsourcing of ideas to create a games platform for all media organisations in Nigeria.
Published Online:
Mar 1, 2022
First Published (print): Mar 01, 2022