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First Published (print): Nov 17, 2023
Submitted : Nov 17, 2023
Education has consistently remained a vital tool in the development of a nation and the textbook is an indispensable accompaniment in the realisation of learning goals. This study examines the adoption process of educational texts otherwise known as curriculum-based books in Ibadan metropolis with a view to finding out, from book publishers, the level of its effectiveness and problems associated with it. From a population of 120 duly registered members of the Nigeria Publishers Association, 10 were purposively sampled for interview and administration of copies of a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of close and open-ended items specifically designed to generate data from respondents to answer the two research questions. Data were analysed through the use of simple percentages, tables and thematic mapping. Premised on Users and Gratification Theory, the study found that the adoption process of educational texts in Ibadan metropolis was fraught with irregularities leading to adoption of sub-standard books for the use of students and teachers of secondary schools; it was a non-discriminatory exercise that adopted all bidders’ books and that there were problems associated with high assessment fee and non-consideration of quality as a determinant of adoption. The study recommends a close monitoring of the activities of book adopting agencies in Nigeria by the authorities that set them up and enjoins Nigeria Publishers Association to closely monitor the activities of its member-firms with a view to checking their inclination towards gaining adoption of their products through corrupt means.
Published Online:
Nov 17, 2023
First Published (print): Nov 17, 2023